We would like to inform you about an administrative process change at Undercliffe Surgery that will not affect clinical care but you may notice on documents from the surgery.
Previously on registration, patients were assigned to one of 3 codes, under the names of Drs Goodwin, Hartwell and Hussain, which aligned the patient to the practice for central registration administrative purposes. These registration codes were not linked to the clinical provision at Undercliffe Surgery. Following the retirement of Dr Goodwin, the remaining partners at Undercliffe Surgery have determined this is an opportunity to create one central code, known as Undercliffe Surgery.
All patients currently registered at Undercliffe Surgery will be transferred to this code and have Undercliffe Surgery as their ‘Registered GP’. Patients will be allocated a ‘Usual GP’ which will be the same GP as their previously ‘Registered GP’; patients whose previous registered GP was Dr Hartwell or Dr Hussain will continue to have Dr Hartwell and Dr Hussain as their ‘Usual GP’. Patients who previously had Dr Goodwin as their registered GP will have either Dr Hartwell, Dr Hussain or Dr Riaz as their ‘Usual GP’.
New patients will be registered to Undercliffe Surgery and will notified who their ‘Usual GP’ will be. This is a responsibility shared equally across the partners.
We would like to reassure you that this is an administrative procedure that does not and will not affect your medical care with Undercliffe Surgery. Patients can continue to see any of the clinicians at the practice, they do not have to see their usual GP.
Due to the complex administrative processes involved and the number of patients this change affects, regrettably we cannot accommodate patients individual requests to have a specific clinician as their ‘Usual GP’ at this time.
These changes will be completed by the end of November 2022.